The irritating and even painful sensation of having something stuck in your throat can happen to anyone. But, if it's persistent and causes you chronic irritation, coughing, and difficulty in swallowing your own saliva, it could indicate a serious medical condition.
It's predicted that about 106,000 new cases of colon cancer and 45,000 new cases of rectal cancer will be diagnosed in the United States in 2022. The rates of people being diagnosed with colon or rectal cancer are on the decline, primarily because people prioritize screening through colonoscopies.
Everybody poops, but no one really talks about it. So you may wonder if your poop is normal. Here at GastroDoxs, gastroenterologist Dr. Bharat Pothuri is used to answering questions about bowel movements. Read on to learn what's normal when it comes to pooping and what may need a review from a specialist.
More than 43% of American adults are obese. Obesity can seriously affect your health and raise your risk of developing many chronic diseases and uncomfortable symptoms, including acid reflux.
You notice a bit of blood on the paper after you wipe or in the bowl after you go. Or maybe your stool is streaked with blood. It's normal to be concerned about these findings.
An endoscopy is a procedure used for diagnosis and, sometimes, treatment of problems in the digestive tract. Dr. Bharat Pothuri - here at GastroDoxs in Cypress, Texas - uses a flexible tool affixed with a light and tiny camera to view your insides. Images from your digestive tract are projected on a monitor in the procedure room.
Acid reflux, aka heartburn, happens when stomach acid moves up into your esophagus. You experience uncomfortable burning, nausea, burping, and serious stomach fullness. Chronic reflux is known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
If you're suffering from hard stools or infrequent bowel movements, it's likely due to an inadequate intake of fiber and other lifestyle habits. Constipation is not pleasant. The good news is that you can do something about it.
If you notice blood in the toilet bowl, in your stool, or on the paper after you wipe, take notice. Rectal bleeding can indicate hemorrhoids, anal fissures, ulcers, colorectal cancer, and inflammatory bowel disease. Some of these conditions are life-threatening, and all can be uncomfortable and of concern.
You may think of a colonoscopy as an inconvenient, uncomfortable test that involves a lot of prep and impersonal examination. While the screening isn't really something to look forward to, it's an essential part of your preventive health care.