Dysphagia: Four Helpful Treatments
Swallowing is an action you do so regularly, you don’t even notice. But, if you have trouble with swallowing, a condition known as dysphagia, it can cause medical and psychological issues.
Swallowing is an action you do so regularly, you don’t even notice. But, if you have trouble with swallowing, a condition known as dysphagia, it can cause medical and psychological issues.
Acid reflux, commonly known as heartburn, causes a burning in your chest that often increases in intensity at night. You might also experience periodic symptoms like difficulty swallowing, a sensation of a lump in your throat, and regurgitation of food. These symptoms are uncomfortable, unpleasant, and sometimes life-disrupting.
When you notice blood in your stool, it can understandably raise your alarm bells. You can suspect the blood is coming from your rectum when you notice bright red or maroon blood in your stool, on a piece of toilet paper after you wipe, or a trickle in the toilet bowl after a bowel movement.
Food intolerances are hard to track, but it’s estimated that 2-20% of people suffer from them. Unlike an allergy, which involves a reaction from your immune system, intolerances involve the gastrointestinal tract. In the 30 minutes to 48 hours after eating a food that you’re truly intolerant to, you experience uncomfortable symptoms, including nausea, diarrhea or constipation, gas, and bloating.
A healthy digestive system ensures proper digestion and nutrient absorption. It also supports your immune system, mental health, and energy levels. At GastroDoxs, our gastroenterologist, Dr. Bharat Pothuri, wants to help you maintain a healthy gut and prevent common issues like bloating, indigestion, and inflammation. Here are some habits he recommends that you incorporate into your daily routine to keep your gut functioning at its best.
The loose watery stools that define diarrhea can be concerning and uncomfortable. Usually, however, your case is acute and due to a minor, passing infection or something you ate or drank. If you have diarrhea that lasts for longer than a few days or as long as four weeks or more, you may have a chronic disease that needs evaluation and management by an expert.
You do everything right to suppress your acid reflux. You avoid spicy foods and alcohol. You leave plenty of time between dinner and bedtime. You eat small meals, and you even quit smoking. Good for you – you’re doing a great job of managing your condition.
When you have uncomfortable and concerning digestive problems, getting a picture of what’s actually going on inside your body is the key to diagnosis. An upper endoscopy at GastroDoxs allows Bharat Pothuri, MD, to get such an image.
Millions of Americans complain of digestive problems. Some are diagnosable conditions that require medical intervention from an expert such as board-certified gastroenterologist Bharat Pothuri, MD at GastroDoxs here in Houston, Texas.
Not counting skin cancer, colorectal cancer is the third most common form of cancer and the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths in Americans. Colon cancer affects your large intestine, the last stage of the digestive tract. Colorectal cancer starts as small polyps that form inside your colon and can become cancerous with time.